Interfacing a DS3231 RTC Module with ESP32 and displaying the time on the serial monitor.
To capture an image from esp32 cam using Node-Red on the PC and send the image back to the Node-Red interface. I setup the node red dashboard by configuring the “mqtt in” and “mqtt out” node in node red.After rigging up the circuit I typed the relevant code so as to connect the esp32 CAM to node red through the mosquitto MQTT broker.I uploaded the code to the FTDI programmer. •\tWas successfully able to create the flow in node red ,; open the node red dashboard and establish the mqtt communication between mosquitto and node red. •\tWas able to access the ESP32 CAM webserver and capture pictures. This was done by mentioning the IP address of the esp32 cam in Chrome. •\tWas unable to establish a communication between the MQTT broker and the ESP32CAM.
To control LEDs by giving voice commands to ALEXA(using the esp32 board)
Initially I tried to do this task using the SINRIC PRO dashboard. The libraries I used were- SinricPro_generic.h SinricPro.h SinricProSwitch.h. Control on the LEDs,; using the sinric pro dashboard,; was successfully established. After thoroughly referring to the resource article provided,; control on the LEDs using the ALEXA voice control was also established successfully.
To control direction of motor using commands from telegram.
I first worked on controlling an LED through Telegram so as to understand the basics of the task. The LED was successfully controlled through TG.Then I worked on controlling the direction of motor using the same concept. The motor direction could also be controlled successfully.
I learnt about how RFIDs work. After completing the hardware connections I uploaded the code to the esp32 board through Arduino ide. After the code was uploaded the hex code of RFID cards was displayed on the serial monitor of Arduino ide.
This task is a continuation of the previous task. I connected the motor and altered the code and uploaded it to the ESP32 board. The output is demonstrated in the video below-
I was able to write data(names) onto the RFID cards,; write the script for google sheets,; and upload the code to esp32 so as to send data to google sheets using the HTTPS protocol. The RFID cards were read successfully and the card holder's name was displayed on the serial monitor but the data was not being updated in the sheets and the https response code was 400. However the data was being updated in the sheets while testing the sheet's URL in the browser.
The provided resource gave an overview about controling a solenoid valve using a MOSFET(as a switching element). The task was to replace the MOSFET with a RELAY MODULE.